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Cases in Digital Transformation: Striving to Become a Real-Time Enterprise

“Transform your organization and unlock its full potential with 'A Roadmap to Effective Digital Transformation. Don't let digital transformation be a pitfall - learn how to harness its power and achieve growth”

To increase efficiency and to achieve growth, many companies are eager to pursue digital transformation. However, 70% of all digital transformation initiatives fail. Of the $1.3 trillion that was spent on digital transformations yearly, it was estimated that $900 billion went to waste. How to successfully transform your organization through technology? This book analyzes eight cases of effective digital transformation through the adoption of real-time technologies. These cases span a wide range of industries, from tech, telecom, pharmaceutical, healthcare, and retail to finance. The operational areas in which these organizations carried out digital transformation were similarly varied, from product development, cost management, and customer service to staff training. Whatever the needs your organization might have, these case studies contain transferable insights that you can apply to your organization to take it to the next level.