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Cross-Functional Dysfunctional: Blueprint for Transforming Your Cross Functional Teams

“A practical solution to revive and enhance your teams, ensuring that they are fully aligned with your company's corporate goals. Don't let your cross-functional teams suffer - empower them to thrive”

Cross-functional teams are the arteries of your organizations. Yet, in a detailed study of 95 teams in 25 leading corporations, we found that nearly 75% of these cross-functional teams were dysfunctional, meaning that they either did not have clear specifications, schedules, or budget goals and more important, goals that were set were often not aligned with the company’s corporate goals. Furthermore, we observed several team dynamics problems that were exacerbated due to the inherent nature of the cross-functional environment. Surprisingly, many of the companies we studied were either not aware or, worse yet, not concerned about their cross-functional problems. This book will cover practical steps on how you can significantly improve your cross-functional teams.